The Story of Whale and Dolphin Evolution

Around 55 million years ago, in the region we now call Pakistan, there lived an deer-like creature about the size of a house cat. At this time, the globe was entirely covered with tropical rainforest. Even in Antarctica. This little guy, belonged to a genus of mammals called Diacodexis. He …

Environmentally Responsible Marine Tours

An important thing to consider when choosing a whale and dolphin watching tour in Costa Rica is whether or not the operator is being environmentally responsible and respectful towards these amazing animals. It is something that many of our guests have asked us about in the past, and something that …

The Best Place for Whale Watching in Costa Rica

Of all the tropical animals that I have experienced, the humpback whales seem to be the most popular. Like most popular things, lots of information can be found about them, yet it seems that there are many more questions than answers. I have experienced humpback whales so often that I …

Fishing Techniques of Offshore Spinner Dolphins

Of all the adventures that I have recorded with GOPRO, this first adventure must be rated as the luckiest. Not only because it was an experience with family, but also because of the number of species we encountered. After the experiences of False Killer Whales and Pilot Whales swimming with …

Don’t Eat Pilot Whales

In our previous blog, we were in route to the Middle American Trench when we experienced false killer whales. Needless to say, our offshore adventure started well. We were heading towards the deep for only about 15-20 minutes more, when approximately 30 large dorsal fins were spotted way off in …

If They’re Not Killer Whales, What Are They?

My first adventure day with a GOPRO was outstanding. My family had brought it as a gift with them on one of their visits to Drake Bay, and the very next day, I took it out with me on the offshore pelagic tour. To get from Drake Bay to deeper …

Why Whales and Dolphins?

The Osa Peninsula is often described as the most biodiverse place on earth. I’ve lived here for more than 10 years and I am yet to encounter a traveler who would disagree with this statement. Where I live, I have access to lowland primary rainforest and a vibrant piece of …